What Is A Gaited Horse Saddle – Learn From The Pro

Gaited Horse Saddle Featured

Are you having trouble getting your horse to gait or keeping the horse in gait? As a Farrier I managed to keep gaited riders happy and did pretty well getting angles right etc.

What I want to discuss here is what is a gaited horse saddle and getting the right saddle. I’ve had gaited horses that have gone well for one owner but in the next stable with a new owner troubles galore. Same shoes, different rider, different saddle.

Most people don’t put much thought into the saddle. Gaited horses need the freedom to move unrestricted but some saddles do not give them the ability to do that.

It’s not easy to convince people that it could be the saddle. The same saddle may work well for one rider and not another. It’s the way you sit the saddle.

As Farriers we get the pat on the back if we can get them going right but shown the door if we can’t. There may be other reasons your horse won’t gait although it could well be the saddle that restricts them.

The video above is from The Horse Show with Rick Lamb. Rick interviews Oklahoma saddle maker Doug Ford and he offers his take on the type of horse that needs gaited saddles and how he goes about making them to fit properly 

Is Your Horse A Liability, A Luxury, Or Part Of The Family?

Is Your Horse A Liability

I was at a high end show and training facility doing farrier work when a person stopped to watch. He said, “Wow, how can I make money on horses?” The owner of the horse asked “Do you own a horse?” The guy said “No”. Owner replied “You have made as much money as you’ll ever make on a horse.”

So what is your horse? An expensive hobby. A pet. An interest to a child. A way to make a living. A needed work animal, or a part of our life? Most of us are in the class that says their horse is a part of their life so we just keep paying.

Your Horse Depends On You For Everthing

If we are lucky enough to have our own facility, we can enjoy going for a ride, spending time grooming and doing the necessary care that horses need. Once they are in our life they cannot take care of themselves as a wild horse can so they are dependent upon us for everything.

If they live on our property we no longer can run off for a long weekend or a week vacation without someone to take the responsibility to come and care for them. It is not all that easy to find that someone who will take care of your animals as well as you do.

If your horse is part of your free time as in shows, trail rides and camping trips, we take the responsibility of calling the vet for health checks, keeping your horse up to date on shots. The farrier is scheduled for the year and proper food essentials are taken care of. Thats everyday and year round.

Horse Stable

You Can Get A Little Help For - For A Price

The other way to keep your horse is at a boarding stable. You should still be responsible for your horses needs but for most of their care you depend on the people working at the facility. You can plan other things in your life knowing that your horse will be taken care of.

The stable would provide the feed schedules, call the vet if necessary and the farrier for footwork. They also usually have the equipment to haul your horse for you. Your part is the money to provide all these services for you and your horse. Either way the cost is substantial.

A Horse Really Is Part Of The Family

For a family, horses are a good thing. They teach our children the responsibility of caring for something and they learn the enjoyment that horses and riding can be in their lives. You have a horse under you with powerful muscles and a mind of its own for you to learn to control to your way. Not always easy, sometimes hurtful but always beautiful memories for the whole family.

So…Asset?…Liability?…Luxury? You decide…

Kids Petting A Horse

What Are The Health Benefits Of Horseback Riding?

Girl Hugging A Quarter Horse

It’s a beautiful day outside. You’re in the fitness center working out like crazy to keep those pounds off. Or maybe you’re working up a sweat running down the road. Have you ever seen a runner that didn’t look like they were in pain??

WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE BETTER?  I know, how about saddling up a horse, finding a nice trail, enjoying the great outdoors and toning up those muscles?  Have you ever seen a cowboy that wasn’t lean? How about a Dressage rider or an Eventer?

Horsback Riding - The Whole Body Workout

The benefits of horseback riding are numerous and you’ll soon find your body craving the overall workout of a good ride.

“Horseback riding really works the core muscles that stabilize the trunk; the abdominal, back, and pelvic muscles.” “It’s not just about the strength of the core, but the coordination and stability of it as well. The more you ride, the more the body learns to move with the horse.”

(Alison Stout, DO)

Horseback riding is a great way to exercise different parts of the body. It can be challenging and calming and a great confidence builder and at the same time a great stress reliever.

There are of course the passengers riders – riders who get on a horse just to travel. They show no effort and it is the horse who does all the work A rider rides a horse…posting trots, sitting trots along with a nice lope or hand gallop. Being just a passenger rider will not help you lose that weight or develop the core muscles you seek.

Health Benefits Of Horseback Riding

Benefits Of Horseback Riding Offers:

But Wait - There's More!

An additional bonus to riding is working in the barn and taking care of a horse. Lifting bags of feed, hauling hay, shoveling, and walking horses in and out of a barn are not light tasks. These activities require a fair amount of strength and endurance.

Add getting your horse ready to ride, saddling up and lunging for a while to loosen up. Don’t forget rubbing your horse down after a ride. Putting equipment away and picking out the stall. I’m leaving out the good part…the camaraderie of spending time with your horse with all its hugs and nuzzles.

Riding Horses To Stay In Shape

Here is a study on calories burned riding a horse and that doesn’t include the before and after activity.

And all the while enjoying one of life’s great experiences.  How could you even think of a better way to lose weight and stay in condition?

Think Your Child Is Ready To Own A Horse? – Let’s Discuss

Child is Ready To Own A Horse

So the time has come and you feel you child is ready to own a horse.  Let’s take a moment to go over a few questions that will help gauge whether your child is ready, or should wait a little bit.

Starting Out With The Basics

Has your child taken riding lessons, been raised around horses or worked around horses in the past?

If the answers to the above are NO then finding a good riding instructor is the first step and the most important one.  Ask horse owners in your area who is a reputable riding instructor giving lessons and start your child’s path to horsemanship there.  Make sure your child has a real interest in riding and not just a passing fancy.  There is a lot more to horses than just riding.

My reasoning for lessons and not buying a horse first is simple….MONEY!  Good riding lessons not only teach your child how to ride but, prepare them to take care of a horse.  Depending on your area lessons run about $35.00 an hour.  That’s $140.00 a month.  Compare that to the cost of a horse (more on that later) plus board of say $350.00 or more a month.  Add in vet bills, farrier bills, and any other expense not included with board and the cost of lessons is your best option.

Horse Ownership For Children

Always Think Safety First

BIG ONE “SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY“.  Your child’s safety is first and foremost.  I have, as a trainer and a farrier, had the opportunity to work and ride some of the very best horses and some of the worst horses and many in between.  I know many horse lovers would beat me with a wet noodle when I tell you there isn’t a horse born that can’t hurt your child.  Maybe not intentionally but….

I recently saw on Facebook a picture of a child maybe 3 years old leading a nice gentle horse on a snowy, icy lane. Looked so sweet. Quickly my horse mind clicked in and I thought WOW, what if that horse slips on the ice or snow.  Scrambling to catch its footing the child is caught under the horse’s feet or worse under the horse.  So much for the pretty picture.

Child Proof Horse? Think Again

I have had so called “child proof” horses spin and kick with both hind feet as I hit the ground instinctively.  A child without training would have been hurt badly. 

Picking up a horse’s foot is also part of the training, but what happens when a fly or bug bites the horse at that same time and the horse tries to kick or bite it off letting go with his hind legs?  Riding on the trail and a rabbit or pheasant jumps and your horse bolts? These and many more incidents I have seen happen. Although I realize there is no way to prevent things from happening, being prepared with the proper guidance and training should be on the very top of your list.

Find the “child proof” horse is a little like winning the lottery.  If you do get lucky that horse will have a few years on it.  Keep in mind an older horse may need the services of a Vet more often also.  You will probably need to have a trainer work with the horse because no matter how well the horse has been trained they will pick up bad habits from inexperienced riders.  Don’t let anyone tell you different.

Girl Sitting On Horse

Is He/She Ready For The Responsibilities Of Owning A Horse?

Does your child want to ride Western, Huntseat or English.  Keep in mind each method requires proper equipment for the horse that fits properly.  (Fitting equipment on your horse will be discussed in another segment).  Remember the horse needs daily care which means trips to the stable regardless of the weather or other commitments.  Responsibility plays a big part in any aspect of learning to ride and care for a horse.

I realize it sounds like I’m discouraging anyone from learning to ride or own a horse.  Not so! I just want to help you make the right decisions regarding horse ownership for your child.  I have owned horses, rode, and treated horses all my life.  The rewards are bountiful, the pleasures endless and the people who love horses and ride are the greatest.

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